
Introducing Online Appointment Booking

April 16, 2018

Seamlessly integrate your website and your Blueprint OMS schedule! We have received an overwhelming interest in our online appointment booking feature. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions: 


Q: When will this feature be available?
A: Anticipated release date is June 2018.

Q: How do I incorporate this feature into my website?
A: You can link to the online booking system from your website, or embed it directly using a small piece of HTML code which we provide. It’s that simple — only takes a couple of minutes!

Q: What will it cost? 
A: Free in 2018! Starting 2019, we will be charging $19 per month for your first location and $9 per month for any additional locations. Or, bundle this new feature with text/email appointment reminders to receive special pricing ($29 per month for your first location and $14 per month for any additional locations for both services). However, we reserve the right to not charge any fees for online appointment booking going into 2019.

Q: How do I configure my online appointment booking?
A: All configuration of available locations, providers, appointment types, resources (sound booth, fitting room, etc.), dates, and times, are controlled via the Setup tab in Blueprint OMS. It is a completely integrated Blueprint OMS solution, no third party software or services required.


For more questions or comments please contact us at

Posted in: Blog
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