
Critical Features For The Busy Practice

September 6, 2018

Does your office management system support your mission?

By Henrik Nielsen, M.Sc., President

Over the years I have visited over 500 hearing healthcare practices and most of them have one thing in common – they are busy! With this in mind, Blueprint Solutions always focuses on making sure our software and our staff support your practice to the fullest.

Here are a few examples:

  • Making every task fast and efficient with as few steps as possible, like creating a hearing aid order and generating your clinic-specific purchase agreement in seconds.
  • Multi-tasking capabilities that allow you to work on multiple tasks or patient files simultaneously.
  • Providing a current user interface with drag-and-drop and right click functionality, as well as real-time form editing on screen.
  • Automating as many tasks as possible, like sending out appointment reminders by email or text and allowing patients to book appointments from your website straight into your Blueprint OMS schedule.
  • Improving follow-up and patient outreach with the most powerful marketing and re-call module in the industry.

These are just a few examples of why Blueprint OMS has become the leading software solution for hearing healthcare today.

Henrik Nielsen

Posted in: Blog
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